About Us

I.M.U School of Nursing’s Benefits To Saint Lucia And Beyond

Nursing students preparing for class with smiles.
knowledge Integration to promote and restore health
  1. Poverty reduction
  2. Increasing the provisions for tertiary and continuing education
  3. The expansion of the training component of employment programmes
  4. The expansion of technical and vocational training
  5. The further development of the education and training sector
  6. Implementation of gender-sensitive initiatives to treat the education needs of vulnerable groups such as at-risk youth, young mothers, and single mothers.
  7. Initiatives to close the performance gaps between the genders with a view to improve their participation in the labor market
  8. Promote individual commitment to life-long learning and self-upgrading (encouraging mature and in particular male students)
  9. Closure of the knowledge gap between the Saint Lucian workforce and competitors in the rest of the world
  10. Reduce unemployment and stimulate job creation, thereby strengthening of the general poverty reduction programs, which in turn will help to reverse childhood poverty that can often last for generations.
  11. Improve the nursing shortage, better patient care, less staff burnout, improved retention, all leading to optimal healthcare outcomes for all
  12. Generate increase income, improved standard of living for many.
Happy nursing student.