Your Support is Critical

Give to IMU

Medical Students working together.

Help us tackle the global nursing shortage

In our quest to tackle the local and global nursing shortage, Iyanola Medical University (IMU) has pledged to provide knowledge integration, promote, and restore health, but we need your help!

Working in alignment with the WHO’s (World Health Organization) Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery, we are working to advance the “Art and Science of Nursing” (the term coined by Florence Nightingale [1860-1946]) while staying rooted in the three core principles that guide nursing practice: Care, Compassion and Communication. These principles encompass all aspects of patient care, including, psychosocial, spiritual needs, and cultural preferences.

St. Lucia is presented with an opportunity of global importance. WHO estimates that the world will need an additional 9 million nurses and midwives by the year 2030 (For all countries to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3 on health and well-being).

Investing in nurses and midwives is good value for money. A report of the UN High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth concluded that investments in education and job creation in the health and social sectors result in a triple return of improved health outcomes, global health security, and inclusive economic growth.

Your kind donation to IMU will support us to:

  • Tackle the local and global health workers shortage, advancing the science and practice of nurses and midwives, who represent more than 50% of the current shortage in health workers (WHO)
  • Foster ethical and humanitarian values that address the healthcare needs of Saint Lucians as well as global health priorities
  • Create a vibrant working and learning environment, where a passion for discovery permeates the education process and inspires bright talent into nursing.

IMU’s funding priorities align meaningfully with the WHO’s for Education, Jobs, Leadership and Service in healthcare. Your gift of financial stimulus will provide faculty and students with resources to advance the education and training of nurses, improving health and wellbeing at home and globally, while promoting social justice. Ways you can help:

1. Student Scholarships

Scholarships help offset the high cost of nursing education, making it affordable to qualified students who may otherwise miss out. We need your financial support to award as many scholarships as we can to future nurses and nurse leaders from diverse backgrounds, reflecting the patient populations these aspiring nurses and leaders will serve.

2. Faculty Excellence Endowments

IMU is already attracting the best of the best faculty to inspire and educate our students on their path to becoming nursing professionals. In order to expand our team and retain the best educators, scholars, and researchers, we are asking for Faculty Excellence Endowments. Bequeathing our faculty will provide the critical resources needed to become a global champion in clinical education.

3. Clinical Simulation Lab

IMU’s simulation lab will provide hands-on experience with realistic clinical situations using high-fidelity mannequins and equipment. This provides a transformative opportunity to learn, practice, and be evaluated on clinical skills, thereby graduating nursing students to become practicing qualified nurses. It builds competent and confident clinical skills and decision-making abilities in a controlled learning environment. Your gift will support the purchasing of high-tech beds, mannequins (baby, child, adult), equipment, and supplies.

The entire team at IMU wishes to express heartfelt gratitude in advance for your generous support, which will be of tremendous benefit to our university, its students, faculty, staff, St Lucians, and our global healthcare community.

Please help us alter the future of healthcare and champion the nursing profession.
For more information, please contact us at: or 1 758 572 0115
Thank you, Helena Laurency, IMU Founder and Director.