Your Support is Critical

Benefits of Donating Money

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Individuals donate to worthy causes each year. Why do people give? Because contributions support good causes, change lives, and make a difference in the community in numerous ways. Giving money to causes like IMU directly benefits the people we serve. But that’s just part of the story. There are many benefits for the donor as well.

Help People in Need

Your donation can make a real difference in assisting prospective nursing students, who would otherwise be unable to pursue their passion to become a nurse. Partner with IMU to make an impact in the lives of individuals locally and across our global community.

  • WHO estimates that the world will need an additional 9 million nurses and midwives by the year 2030 (For all countries to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3 on health and well-being).
  • Investing in nurses and midwives is good value for money. The report of the UN High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth concluded that investments in education and job creation in the health and social sectors result in a triple return of improved health outcomes, global health security, and inclusive economic growth.

Impact Your Community

When you donate to IMU, you are making a tremendous difference in the community, helping to decrease the acute shortages of healthcare workers, as well as empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

Inspire Philanthropy

Regular and enthusiastic contributions are contagious and can inspire others to also make a difference:
As you lead by example, you motivate your family members, friends, and colleagues to support causes that matter to them. In turn, their donations make an even bigger impact and raise more awareness of the tremendous need to ensure an adequate supply of well-trained nursing personnel on a continual basis.

Cultivate Generous Children

Children who see their parents donate to are more likely to be generous themselves.

Feel Wealthier

When you have enough money to donate, it may help you feel wealthier. Your contributions may do more than just create a feeling of wealth. Some experts suggest that you’re more likely to stick to a budget and manage your personal finances more effectively when you commit to regular donations. The result could be greater financial wealth.

A Great Addition to Volunteering

Volunteering your time to worthy causes is important, however your financial donations also matter. Money equips IMU to fund Scholarships, equip our lab, and fulfill our mission.

Become More Thankful

Giving can boost your gratitude, which enhances your health, happiness, and optimism. Gratitude can also relieve stress and strengthen friendships.

Improve Your Health

Numerous studies have found the more you donate, the less stress you feel, Generosity can also lower your blood pressure. Research conducted by the University of Oregon also found that donating activates the pleasure center in your brain. Voluntary donations are especially pleasurable and improve your happiness, joy, and contentment.

Receive a Tax Deduction

You may be eligible to earn a tax deduction and reduce your tax burden when you generously contribute to IMU.